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How were the charges resolved?
Did you go to jail or prison as a result of the charges?
Do you think your defense attorney was effective in defending you against the charges?
Rank order (1-10) Rank order the following descriptions of different types of criminal defense attorneys according to how important the characteristics are to you in choosing a criminal defense attorney. The ranking is from 1 to 10; each number may only be used once, with 1 representing what you value most in a criminal defense attorney and 10 representing what you value least in a criminal defense attorney.
(Aggressive, Relentless, Outcome driven)
(Accessible, Hand Holder, Collaborative)
(Brilliant, Competent, Creative)
(Efficient, Expedited Resolution, Persuasive)
(Reputation, Connected, Experienced)
(Affordable, Great Value)
(Compassionate, Sympathetic, Good Communicator)
(Trustworthy, Loyal, High Integrity)
(Charismatic, Passionate, Cool Under Pressure)
(Sound Judgment, Organized, Goes the Extra Mile)
Do you know someone who has gone through the criminal justice system who may be interested in appearing as a guest on Dissecting Justice to tell his or her story?
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